The similarity between Selayang and Damansara Palace would be thry occupied approximately 4-5 shop lots as their business area. They have a fairly nice interior design which is more to dynasty feel.
some food
Be noted that i dint manage to take all photos because at the second half of this dinner, i went very super hyper due to some “reasons”. =P
Most of our families members present in this dinner, except my cousin shuan and 2 uncles who din manage to come!!
My goin-to-get-married soon cousin!! Well, i am going her house party tml nite! yay! i wish i dont get drunk.. which is almost impossible. LOL
My youngest brother and all my little cousins!
I have loads of photo in my laptop but i just cudnt show them here!!!
You know why? Cause we all went crazy after 14litters of red wine… (jaga image orang ma!!) ahhaa