5th of May in Chinese Calender is known as Dragon Boat Festival. My mom and i made some dumpling for ourself and relatives~
Hmm, one thing, i would like to say is... Home made dumpling is much more nicer than those i bought in pasar malam...and u know la.. our gov has just increased the oil price, and inflation in flying colours~ so... better save $$~ DIY la!
here i ll let u know the actual process of making dumpling~
First of all, u will have to prepare some basic material:
Brown cotyledons, simmer in hot water and get it immersed in water for one night.
Brown cotyledons
You can easily get this glutinous rice from any grocery store, those i bought was 60% glutinous rice mixed with 40% normal rice~
Glutinous rice
Immersed in water for 30 minutes in order to make it easier to cook~
After that u will have to fried it with appropriate seasoning
There are 5 more ingredients u will need in a dumpling which are dried shrimp, boiled chest nut, pork, seasoned duck egg, and mushroom.
Below is the process of dumpling making~ (starring: hase's mom's hand)
hahaha... my special one.. it is bigger than the normal one! ahhaa...
the size is 4x bigger than the normal one~ can say 4 in 1! haha...
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